Saturday, August 2, 2014

Skill development begins from early age

Skill development begins from early age. My suggestion: From grade 3 till grade 12, every class of every school gets a chance once or twice in a year to visit an industrial activity, a factory or municipality water works or a food processing facility, farm, port, fire-station, etc. This activity is not mere visit but is well planned with education and ‘values’ in mind. For example, every child visiting a place would be given a special gift on which student has to work after going home. For example, if it is a visit to farm, then flowering seeds which student can plant at home. If it is an auto plant, a plastic replica of working pistons, if it is an electrical plant, solar operated small light or fan etc. Thus, the gift is something ‘to do’ in addition to play or decoration. The visiting group should be small so that the designated staff at the industrial site can impart working knowledge to the students. Budget can come out of CSR of each industrial organization. This measure will help in a big way to give an idea to students as to what skills mean and how much important it is for their later working life. This will, in addition give the students ideas as to what sort of work would they like in future.